5 ways social media can benefit your business

September 12, 2019
Erica Trinh

If you own a small business, chances are you are already on, or have thought about using social media to help grow your business. Sure, many businesses have already started reaping the benefits of social media, but it’s never too late to get started. Here are our top 5 reasons why you should be on social media. 

1. Brand awareness

Social media is one of the best ways to generate brand awareness. Not only are you getting exposure for FREE, but it also allows you to target your specific audience on a larger scale. No matter how young or old your target audience is, chances are most of them are already on social media! You are able to grow relationships with your audience, fans, followers by being able to connect with them directly through the comments section. It is a known fact that if an individual has a great experience with a company, that it is extremely likely that they will recommend your brand to another friend. 

2. Cost effective marketing 

We mentioned above that social media exposure is FREE. Take advantage of this low cost advertising just by creating an account and connecting with your followers! Even if you decide you want to pay to have your post seen, it is far less expensive than your traditional marketing tactics. Social media advertising can fit any budget, no matter how big or how small, so you don’t have to spend a lot of money to increase exposure, and grow your business. 

3. Customer service

A huge contributing factor to the success of your business is customer service. Using social media as an effective two-way communication between your business and your clients, will help you dominate the customer service segment. The glory of social media is that it’s instant. You can provide instant gratification to your followers, just at the click of a button! It is simple to create lasting memories on your clients, when they notice that you go above and beyond replying to every single comment. Providing a quality response showing that you engage with your clients on an emotional level will help you get real results 

4. Easy updates

Social media allows you to share everything and anything about your business. It’s becoming everybody’s top choice to find out more about a business. Why? Simply because these sites tend to offer the most up to date information about a business. Updating your social media to inform customers of upcoming events is a lot easier than updating a website, and since everyone is on social media it makes it a lot easier to catch interest. 

5. Active users

How many times do you check your phone everyday? According to a survey from Deloitte, on average consumers check their phones 52 times a day. While it may not be likely to have customers come into your store that many times a day, it is likely that they will be able to see your social media posts on their feed multiple times a day. This again will increase exposure and help you bring customers in!

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